Minggu, Oktober 27, 2024
BerandaPolitikCawagub Habib Ismail Bin Yahya Adakan Sosialisasi di Kereng Bengkirai

Cawagub Habib Ismail Bin Yahya Adakan Sosialisasi di Kereng Bengkirai

Gerbong informasi com // Palangka Raya – Hari ini Calon Wakil Gubernur (Cawagub) Habib Ismail bin Yahya kembali mengunjungi warga masyarakat Kereng Bengkirai, pada Kamis sore (19/09/2024).

Kunjungan yang dilakukan Habib tersebut adalah dalam rangka sosialisasi sekaligus menjaring aspirasi masyarakat setempat dengan tema ” Titik Temu Willy – Habib“. Sekaligus menjadi momen untuk mendengarkan langsung setiap aspirasi dari masyarakat.

Ditemui usai kegiatan tersebut Habib mengatakan, sosialisasi hari ini kesannya bagus dengan antusias masyarakat yang menginginkan perubahan di Kalteng karena tempat tinggal mereka itu merupakan salah satu destinasi wisata yang booming di Kota Palangka Raya, “ucapnya.

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Habib Ismail bersama keluarga warga kereng Bangkirai

Kemudian iapun juga menjelaskan harapannya suatu saat nanti destinasi wisata tersebut bisa lebih viral dan bagus serta mendapat sentuhan dari pemerintah kota provinsi Kalteng, “ujar habib.

Selain itu habib juga berpesan, kepada seluruh masyarakat mulai dari sekarang mencoba memasukkan dalam hati masing-masing untuk punya niat perubahan yang lebih baik serta selalu menciptakan harmonisasi karena itu merupakan salah satu modal awal pembangunan atau untuk kemajuan yang lebih besar lagi, ” tuturnya.

Karena dengan harmonisasi itu maka kita akan bisa membangun persatuan dan kesatuan bersama ke arah yang lebih baik, lebih indah dan lebih sejahtera lagi, “tegasnya.

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Lanjut iapun menambahkan, untuk program terutama di bidang pendidikan dan kesehatan yang tidak bisa dipisahkan karena orang-orang yang bisa menjamin kesehatan itu adalah orang yang memiliki ilmu kesehatan setelah mendapatkan ilmu pendidikan.

“Kita akan bekerjasama dengan UPR untuk mencari anak muda berprestasi punya nilai tinggi, pintar dan ulet diberikan beasiswa untuk melanjutkan pendidikan di fakultas kedokteran, teknik atau keinginan mereka yang lainnya tapi dengan satu keinginan kami yaitu satu desa memiliki satu dokter, “imbuhnya.

Kemudian, untuk kesehatan akan kembali menghidupkan setiap posyandu dengan insentif – insentif untuk para penggiat posyandu kerena sekarang sudah banyak posyandu yang tidak aktif lagi.

Habib juga menyampaikan di Kalteng masih sedikit desa maju dan mandiri yang tertinggal akan diarahkan ke program BUMDES yang manfaat dan hasilnya akan dirasakan seluruh penduduk desa maka dari itu lebih harus dikembangkan lagi, “tutupnya.

Publikasi : Marliana

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  1. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  2. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  3. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  4. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  5. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  6. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  7. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  8. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  9. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  10. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  11. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  12. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  13. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  14. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  15. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  16. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  17. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  18. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  19. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  20. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  21. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  22. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  23. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  24. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  25. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  26. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  27. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  28. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  29. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  30. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  31. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  32. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  33. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  34. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  35. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  36. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  37. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  38. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  39. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  40. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  41. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  42. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  43. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  44. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  45. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  46. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  47. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  48. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  49. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  50. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  51. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  52. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  53. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  54. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  55. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  56. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  57. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  58. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  59. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  60. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  61. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  62. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  63. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  64. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  65. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  66. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  67. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  68. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  69. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  70. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  71. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  72. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  73. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  74. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  75. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  76. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  77. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  78. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  79. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  80. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  81. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  82. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  83. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  84. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  85. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  86. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  87. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  88. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  89. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  90. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  91. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  92. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  93. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  94. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  95. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  96. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  97. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  98. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  99. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  100. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  101. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  102. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  103. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  104. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  105. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  106. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  107. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  108. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  109. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  110. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  111. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  112. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  113. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  114. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  115. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  116. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  117. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  118. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!

  119. Great post! I found your insights really enlightening. I’m curious, what inspired you to start writing about this subject? Also, do you have any recommendations for further reading or resources on this topic? Looking forward to your response!


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